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Grandia said:

Do you actually played Final Fantasy 13? FF13 was not a bad game because of its graphics, if this FF13 woud be the game with the best graphics ever made it would still be a piece of shit. It was the overall design of the game, the linearity, the boring World/ boring characters and the lame Story which made this game a pice of crap.

Listen to this guy.

What does graphics have to do with this thread or the games.  point me to ONE game this generation that has been a good game, but unplayable becuase of graphics?

I can point to a crap load of games though that looked amazing but where shitty games.


As for the 13 versus being on PS4.  Whopty freaking do.  Tell me a release date and I might care.  But as of right now, it doesn't even have a release date on ps3, so who cares if it comes to anything else.  PS4/360/720/wii U/PC, ect.  Who gives a crap what it is going to come out on , if it never comes out.