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Answering the question first, because thats what politeness dictates. The answer is Microsoft is winning since they have had the only notable announcements. The announced Gears of War 2. That is actually enough considering it is a massive franchise. They also managed to give Fable 2 some screen time, and frankly it is introducing some more elements that should excite people. They are rather radical elements for a traditional role playing game.

Beyond that seeing game footage from games who's footage we have seen before, or getting release dates for games we knew were coming out this year regardless. Well those aren't actually very noteworthy. They do not play into the event they are mostly filler. Further more I am not interested in Wii fit looking like a lunatic while playing my console is no longer appealing. I need exercise I will go out and get real exercise.

I have said this before nothing revealed at E3 is going to hit the consoles this year unless the developers and manufacturers move to a six month time table. Then there is room for announced games to release before the end of the year, but that just isn't going to happen. Yes it would be nice to get the majority of hyped releases in the next six months, but it probably isn't going to happen.

I honestly also ask why people think E3 is still the scene. The show used to be a public show. Now its another elitist convention that is too good for the common man to attend. Just like the Game Developers Conference I suppose. I said it before I hope we do not end up with the gamer days being the real blitz events for the respective platforms.