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Kaizar said:
snyps said:
Obama and Bush are equally bad. Obama is slightly more dangerous because he is adored. Both are obvious trailers to anyone who reads the bills they signed. They swear an oath to the constitution. Then put the black sharpie on it.

Bush deregulates the stock market which causes every recession in America since the 1920's and Obama regulated the stock market which causes every recovery & surplus since the recovery from the republicans great recession of 1929. And Obama did the best regulations for minimum decline and maximum incline, which is why the stock market is already much above 14,500 and will probably be above 15,000 for an even more greater surplus economy before the end of this year.

After 12,000 it usually is a much slower incline in a surplus.

Regan Clinton and Bush deregulated the stock market.  Obama made promises but caved into lobbiest.  The market is not re-regulated to the way it was.  A collapse is coming.  That's why they're after our rights.  A precaution for the chaos.  Dems and Reps work for the same banks.