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Gets feathers ruffled over the fact that I made a crack about "The Black Guy" winning.

Completely ignores and fails to bother even trying to dispute every other thing I said, including the quip about the "Communist Socialist Secret Fascist Muslim Terrorist", all labels nuts on the right have called Obama over time. It's not about "Left vs. Right", or "D vs. R". At this point it's gotten down to being about Intelligence vs. Moronicism.


So you can say "typical" all you want, assuming things about me that you have zero basis for. Meanwhile, the problem with the OPs post and "points", are that they're all based in the same unintelligent drivel that has been spread around the blogosphere, talk radio, and Fox News, for years. If anyone actually buys into that crap, that Obama is THAT horrible, and that he's actually done/is actually doing all that bullshit he used as bullet points.....I'm sorry, but there's something very wrong, and it's not with the President. Getting talking points from the likes of Karl Rove, or Michelle Bachman, or Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh, or Alex Jones, is hilariously laughable, whether you actively listen to those people, or activiely even REALIZE these talking points are originating from their mouths, is immatereal.

On the list of "Worst US Presidents Ever", Barack Hussein Obama is NOWHERE near the top of that list. Not even the Top 5. Perhaps not even the Top 10.

Is he presiding over one of the worst TIMES in American history? Absolutely. No quest, no argument. But who kicked off that "worst time", I wonder? Or was 9/11, the deregulation of Wall Street, the start of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, and the eventual collapse of not only the US, but most of the WORLD'S economy, all Obama's fault, even before he had become a US Senator? You know, because he was secretly being trained to destroy America and all.

I think Obama could absolutely be a MUCH better President than he has been. But how much of that is his personal fault, and how much of that is the fault of the times he's having to deal with, the complete obstructionism he receives from Congress, not only from the "Right", but even sometimes from his own shitty party? Calling him "the worst ever" is about as laughable as saying that George W. Bush was a "Great President". Or hell, that Ronald Reagan or Bill Clinton were "Great Presidents". On a list of "Greatest Presidents Ever", none of those fools are anywhere near the top either.....