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I'm sorry, but the very title of this thread, let alone every single point the OP tries to make, are complete and utter bullshit. We go from LITERALLY one of the worst presidents we've ever had (Bush Jr.), to Obama, who while not great, has spent this entire time trying to clean up W's mess. And no, it's not a matter of Democrat vs. Republican, it's a matter of "People voted a complete fucking idiot into office for the wrong reasons, and his successor has spent years trying to fix the damage his administration caused". By the end of his reign, even most REPUBLICANS agreed Bush was a goddamn terrible President, which is why most R candidates turned on him, publicly criticized him, and distanced themself from him (even IF they actually intended to just carry on most of his policies). On the OTHER hand, you're trying to aruge things like "Oh NO, Obama has destroyed healthcare and is trying to take away our GUNS", when what? MOST Americans, including most Republicans, agreed that our health care system was completely fucked, and WANTED change. We didn't get the change we should have got, because Congress are cowards, but it's still better than nothing, and now millions more Americans have PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE THEY HAVE TO PAY FOR (IE ZERO "socialism" to be found). And as far as "Gun Control", we had it once before as it pertains to what was trying to recently be passed, and the Bush administration let those laws expire. Now they're trying to put those SAME laws (that didn't take ANYONE'S fucking guns away from them), back in place, and poeple shit their pants. MOST Americans, as judged by NUMEROUS polls from a variety of sources, at the VERY least strongly supported the idea of more stringent background checks. And yet cowards in Congress failed to pass that, due to the NRA giving them lots and lots of shit (and money).

But enough's enough. The OP has zero factual basis for any of the shit he's trying to use as reasons for Obama being "THE WORST COMMUNIST SOCIALIST SECRET FASCIST MUSLIM TERRORIST PRESIDENT OF ALL TIME".

The Black Guy won. It's time to get the fuck over it already.


P.S. To anyone thinking they're terribly clever and trying to point out that "Us Liberals" are blaming Bush for bad things, but saying it's not Obama's fault, it's all Congress, here's the actual facts on that. When Bush was President, he spent most of his time having a REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED CONGRESS that gave him anything and everything his administration desired, just about. Then in 2006, when Congress finally became Dem controlled again? They proceeded to be the spineless cowards most of them are, and lifted their butts highly into the air, and proceeded to, guess what? Give the Bush Administration just about anything they asked for, STILL. Maybe not to the extreme degree, but they did. They were cowards and a colossal disappointment. Congress has been a huge problem for Decades, but that DOESN'T change or excuse the fact that George W. Bush WAS, undisputedly, a horrendously shitty President, and his administration was corrupt, incompetant, and did a LOT of damage. President Obama isn't perfect. But he's a hell of a lot better than what we had, and considering the STATE the country was left in when he took office, I think that, while I do believe he could be a much BETTER President than he has been, that he has done a fairly admirable job. Personally, I wish he's lean FURTHER "left" than he has or does, based on my own socio-political beliefs. And that makes it even more hilarious that right-wing nutjobs sit and cry about "That Obama" being such a horrible SOCIALIST (a word they abuse and don't even come close to understanding), when in fact he's SO middle of the road most times, it's almost painful.