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nordlead said:
DragonLord said:
CDiablo said:
I wouldn't consider this a great deal as most of those DVDs can be bought for 5-10 in the bargain bin.


And those very same $5-$10 dvd's look and sound like crap compared to a blu-ray. Yes, even upscaled.

Quality costs more.

I don't understand why people can't understand that you get what you pay for. DVD'S should cost less; they are inferior.

If quality doesn't matter to you, then dvd is a better option. If you want top of the line picture and audio, plan on spending more than you would on a dvd.

 But should I be spending $5-10 more on something that only costs them $1 more to produce?

 When DVD's first came out they were more expensive than VHS for quite a while, yet DVD's were significantly cheaper to mass produce. I don't think DVD's ever got cheaper than VHS for a single movie that was released on both, yet they made significantly more profit on every DVD sold.

Currently your not paying for quality, your paying for smaller market. But still, once Blu-Ray takes over DVD, they'll sell for the same price, because they probably figure most people won't care. 

It may not cost that much more to produce, but they have massive cost to recover on R&D, and starting production of a new technology and new equipment to recoup.  Of course they want a higher profit margin on each disc sold, and I have no problem with that.  Early adopters pay more.

And yes, we are paying more for a better quality.  Blu-ray cost more than DVD...Blu-ray is higher quality than DVD.  However, I DO agree that the higher quality isn't the ONLY reason for higher cost, it is a part of the're right in saying that part of the higher cost is due to a smaller market--I agree.  Once blu-ray reaches and economy of scale and starts to mass produce in large quantity, the price will drop.

I guess for me, I just get sick of hearing people complain.  A BMW cost more than a Honda Civic and most likely has a much higer profit margin since it's a luxury good and has a smaller market share.  I have no problem with that. 

PSN ID: Sorrow880

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