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jake_the_fake1 said:
America needs to get the fuck out of all Islamic countries for good,then it needs to shut down every single Islamic mosques that currently exists in America and educate citizens of the Muslim faith that they have the freedom to worship in their house or partake in group prier and or religious activities in public rooms bookable by them from any institute and if they are not happy then they also have the option of moving to another country.

IF muslim in islamic countries spaz out, let them but inform them that America will allow mosques to be built the day that these Islamic countries allow christians churches to be built for any christian to pray in peace, and then attempt to reason with them that fair is fair. Also America should inform these islamic radicals that any fatwas on any American citizens will be met with the brute force of the US army.... sheikh need to realize that their words have consequences when they propose the death of someone not only not in an Islamic country but also one who may not even be of that faith.

The only thing America should do is continue economic business with them as they would with any other country, America minds it's own internal political systems and the Islamic countries mind their own political systems.

I am not American and I do not hate Islamic people, what I hate is counties like America bending over and pandering to these people when the Islamic countries do not even try to return the kindness. Don't get me wrong multiculturalism is good but only up to a point, when a country starts to lose it's heritage because the once minority has become the majority as well as instilling none American values but Islamic values as well as sharia law, this is when a country has to put it's foot down and say no more, in fact any none Islamic country has to do this at the first sign.

I applaud France for having the balls to put it's foot down to try and stop the Islamisation of it's country, more countries need to follow suit. Being Politically correct will only serve to destroy your nation as it literally gets conquered, being a Nationalist and trying to preserve your culture and heritage is not being racist, it's being proud of your culture and it's heritage that Identifies you as a nation and it's people. IF Islamic don't like the countries culture or heritage and want to instill theirs, then they have two simply options, integrate and become a more culturally diverse person of kindly return to the culture you simply don't wanna leave let alone share with another.

I don't know of a Muslim country that bans churches other than Saudi Arabia. Many Muslim countries are naturally diverse with Muslims, christians, and evem other faiths and they are all free to practice and build religious centers. Now do the other religions get harrassed to varying degrees? Yes, and it needs to stop. But the harrassing is being done by the same extremists (that follow the brand of faith preached by Saudi Arabia) that harrass other Muslims more than they do Christians. In other words, everyone is a victim of these radicals. Governments and people in countries like Iraq actively try to protect the Christians, but it doesnt always work unfortunately. Just like protecting other Muslims also doesnt always work. In fact, the victims of attacks in Iraq are almost always Muslims. Im talking like 99% of the time.

The problem is affecting everyone in other words, its not just a matter of Muslims harrassing other religions. Its a matter of extremists harrassing anything that is not also an extremist.