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I had this convo with a friend who's spent untolds amount of money on things like Home crap and costumes for characters that don't affect gameplay on PSN. He pays for PSN+ and almost never plays the games each month.

But he won't pay $34, no tax when I told him to pick up Live on sale because it wasn't worth it. Yes, less than $3 a month. Then he bought stuff from XBLA that was full price but on sale to gold members, where he would have saved $12 of those $34 instantly. (Not to mention he has a ton of gamerscore and would get an additoinal 2% back on purchases and another $3 or so in points for gold subscrip reimbursement through Rewards.

We figured out it would have cost him essentially $1.80 per month for the year, even without any further discounts or whatever. SIX damn cents a day. He still said "not worth it." And this is someone who probably spends about $1000 a year average on games and gaming.

There's just no reasoning with some people.

Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?