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VGKing said:
J_Allard said:
pezus said:

PS4 will have demos for all games. That's already been discussed. It will also have Gaikai, and I'm pretty sure that their servers are something else.

And aren't you happy for demos for every game or would you rather it be like PS3 where Sony charges developers for bandwidth so most PSN titles have no demo at all? And the much larger emphasis on community and social aspects.. aren't these great? You can thank XBLG for these.

No, we can thank Facebook/Twitter for that. MySpace if you want to get more technical.

Xbox Live isn't as community-focused and social as you say it is.(In fact Wii U is much more community focused w/ Miiverse and its free!) It's exactly the same as PSN, but has cross game voice chat. That's it. It's nowhere near the level of Facebook or even MySpace in terms of social aspects. 

PSN demos don't generally have demos since they are short games. It's been proven that games without demos sell better. It's why you didn't see a Tomb Raider or Bioshock Infinite demo and you probably never will.  

I wouldn't expect a poster like yourself to give MS any sort of credit for bringing sociability to consoles and making it a selling point but your denial doesn't change it from being factual reality. XBL is seen as something cool, something you gotta get to connect with your friends and stay in touch and its viewed that way because of the emphasis on social features and design. And now of course Nintendo and Sony are going the same route. Not a coincidence.

I'm not talking about retail games, I am talking XBLA and PSN titles. I can just rent a retail game with no demo available. I cannot rent a PSN title that has no demo. On Live I don't need to rent an XBLA to try it, every single one comes with a trial version. And now PSN is apparently going to follow suit. Another good change brought about because of Live.