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While the confirmation of Gears is a good thing. I think everyone was expecting some mortar rounds out of the left field bleachers. Rather then someone they already knew was in the dugout. I hope the third party developers cut loose with surprise announcements or that the big three are holding out on some info right up till the last minute. Otherwise this gaming show is a real bust. Yes Microsoft can take it away with just Gears, but where is the overkill. Where are the four or five games that are supposed to surprise us.

I pray the key players aren't holding on to fat wallets to unload at their own gamer days. Those generally blow and are nothing more then propaganda fairs for the media. Sadly that may be our only hope if this conference doesn't start churning out announcements pronto. The E3 show is just too late in the year for announcements, and those corporate gamer days always happen on like Wednesday in the middle of nowhere. I like to see the corporate entities try to one up each other.