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ChronotriggerJM said:

But that's all your opinion, YOU haven't seen anything, I have. I've seen the jump from Resistance 1 to Ratchet and Clank, I've seen Uncharted, I see things in Sony exclusives that I just don't see on the 360. And the whole "number calculations blah blah blah" sure if you want to view it that way go ahead, personally I'll take the "setting an unprecedented world record in folding@home to learn and prevent illnesses such as Alzeimers, Cancer and shit I dunno west nile virus". Look if you want to make Sony out to be the monster, go ahead. But we call that "wearing the shades".

I play video games to relax, and enjoy an interactive story, should I make Nintendo the enemy? Trying to get me "more active" and with story's about as deptfull as a 4 year olds picture book? No, I simply don't like them, do I understand what they're doing? Absolutely, and I applaud them for it. Thank god for Sony even bothering to push technology or we'd be stuck with playstation 1 hardware (how long was the original gameboy out for before updating?). Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it's not there.

Hey I've never said about making anyone out to be the bad guy or anything in this, and I certainly do see what's going on. I make efforts not to bias myself by getting the views on everything. Your comment on Folding is absolutely true and I myself applaud Sony for that, but not to try and sound harsh - what does it do for gaming?

I'll go now into another reason I've no desire for the PS3 in this generation, and that's its evident fixation on making the PS3 more of a multimedia hub than a gaming console, and in doing so it seems to be losing any kind of niche to it as a console.

Wii has it's controls, it's new approach to gaming and the unpredictable kind of new gaming experiences we'll see in time.

360 has it's focus on online communities, achievements and gamerscores, and delivering those huge epic kinds of games you mention yourself.

PS3... As a console how can it sell itself without being directly compared and contrasted to the 360? What is the PS3's niche, it's stand out point?

Personally if I didn't already own a gaming PC I could possibly be tempted by it's huge variety of uses as well as it's gaming functionality, but when it stands on it's own as just a games console I can't see anything in it to seperate it from it's main competition: the 360.

And I'd hate to go off topic, but you say "But we call that "wearing the shades"." in regards to some of my PS3 comments, I could so easily reverse that your way for the Wii comment about 'Active games' and lack of epic story driven games. It's another one of those 'Wii is not for Hardcore Gamers' arguements that is absolutely not true. Whilst you'll never see games with the same visuals as on the PS3 or 360, to say you will not see the same type of games altogether is completely wrong. Sorry to digress again.