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The Fury said:
tres said:

you cant compare live to steam. steam has 40 millions users buying their games. sony half way in the same situation . what i dont get is not that ms has no free online play but why are sony loyalist pissed @ it. is it because your loyalty stop at free online play? i mean come on. i pay for plus and live. how many of you complain about going to the movies. what do you get out of a 2 hr movie that you can get for free onine lol. you have to pay for all the food if i want. its filled with advertisements. but its your entertainment. the same way you pay people pay for live

Stealing a movie by pirating is different and cannot be compared to this.

Many people are annoyed at the idea of people buying a game that has an online feature and not being able to play that feature unless they give MS more money. You are already technically giving MS money when you buy the game. A good example of how this might affect people is Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect and 2 were single player games only, but ME3 added an online feature, a feature which even changed the main single player game. For silver membership members they couldn't access this part of the game, something both PC and PS3 gamers could,  unless they payed up.

It's the same kind of effect for all games with an online feature. Pay once to buy the game including the online, pay again to actually be able to pay the online feature. For many Playstation and PC users this doesn't make sense because in the case of PC gamers they've been able to buy and game and play it online for free long before XBox Live came al

dont get me wrong i dont understand their thinking other than servers cost.  ps+ more than anything has saved sony.  why ms never had a tier system is beyond me.  what i dont get is why people that dont use the system sound so angry about it all the time.  why complain about something you dont use unless you really want to use it :)