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I believe we should first reach common grounds of what these "intelligence" terms mean.

I define (and this is also the definition that I think makes most sense) intelligence subjectively as the raw ability to understand complex systems, and deduce patterns. This definition perfectly allows for extremely uneducated people to be extremely intelligent for example, since education or knowledge is generally not required (but it has shown to help) for high intelligence. A kind of synonym is reasoning skills.

There is no book smart or street smart. That's just something that the people who think they're smarter than others (but aren't really much so) made up to feel better about themselves. If book smart essentially means reasoning skills, that's all there is to it. Street smart just means "common sense", which is more of a thoughtless intuition about things. When I talk about intelligence, I refer to the potential that an individual may have. A person with what people would call very high "book smarts" but low "street smarts" is nevertheless capable, because of his book smarts, to understand and act on street smarts if the person desired so. A person with high street smarts but low book smarts cannot suddenly become book smart, since book smart refers directly to reasoning skills, which are pretty much fixed for a single person during adulthood.

Now to answer the actual question posed; I don't know if I'm smarter than the average people here. I know for a fact that I'm smarter than average people, but it seems that so many of us in this website have done or are doing really well in academics, so I couldn't really say.