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fmjasinski said:
thismeintiel said:
Barozi said:

and that was 2008. Should've been much higher in March 2006, which is the better comparison, but there seem to be no official numbers.

Actually, I made a mistake.  The real year should have been '07, not '08, as that would be the corresponding year in the PS2's life.  So, the number is actually 280K.  More than 3x the Wii's numbers.  Oh, and the PS2 sold 273K in March of '06 according to this forum post.

And how about total sales comparison at this time (Wii x PS2 in USA)?

Well, according to VGC the Wii has sold 40.9M so far in the US.  Not sure how accurate the tracking is, though.  The PS2 had sold 38.2M as of April '07, according to this site.  Of course, the PS2 was still selling quite well, then.  The last NPD we got for it was April '10, where it sold ~118K, with a total ~45M.  I highly doubt the Wii will be selling 100K+ in 2016 or reach 45M+ in the US.  Actually, I doubt we'll see the Wii still on shelves in 2015, let alone 2016.