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burninmylight said:
hinch said:
burninmylight said:

Haters always seem to catch a good sensationalist story that helps fuel their propaganda, but miss it when another one comes out that debunks the first one.

The game is coming to PS3 and 360, but the Wii U can't handle it. You sincerely believe that those systems can handle it, but the Wii U can't?

Now this is my opinion, but I think the Wii U cancelation had more to do with THQ's financial woes and impending bankruptcy than the console being unable to handle games that the other ones apparently can.

*sigh* If you read the article instead of just the "sensationalist" heading, you'll find that he doesn't actually disprove anything.

“Our look at the Wii U extended to a very early look at some very early kits. We…we did some work on it, but we made a decision fairly early on that we weren’t going to commit further resource to it. So yeah, we didn’t go too far. Take any of the comments you’ve seen attributed with a pinch of salt – it’s certainly not been based on any kind of analysis of final hardware.

Sounds like just the usual PR to me. Damage control at it's finest.

*Sigh* and if you took a moment to think about my point, you would realize I'm not saying the original comments were disproven about the Wii U's CPU being too slow by the article I linked. I'm saying the guy said that's not the reason the game was canceled, and to think the Wii U couldn't handle a game that the PS360 can is just silly. I think it has more to do with THQ's financial troubles at the time and it's eventual death. I just found a dozen articles about THQ canceling its 2014 lineup that were published around the same time as the "horrible, slow CPU" story and its follow up. And as we all know, THQ was liquidated and its assets were auctioned off. Why would it keep projects in development to IPs it's about to sell off?

I knew someone would reply to me saying "PR, damage control" and all that jazz as I was typing the first comment. Doesn't prove or disprove anything, but I think my opinion and reasoning are a bit more grounded in reality than anyone's who thinks Metro: Last Light was canceled because of the Wii U's hardware.

Well.. quite a few devs have come out and complained about the same thing - the CPU. The whole THQ going down the pan argument has been done to death. Even Nintendo themselves issued a statement about the console. Go check out some comparisons of multiplats.. they all come to the same conclusion. Hell, even a Nintendo published title like Lego City has performance woes and that's a Wii U exclusive.