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How to make unlimited quick money with zero risk:


Go to any gambling outlet that gives you 2x your bet back when you win. Bet £X on the first round (e.g. a roulette wheel). Bet £2X on the next. Then keep doubling your bet until you win. You will get your bet back, plus £X more than the total you lost before the winning bet.


had bet £40, £80, £160, £320, £640 and £1280.

You bet £2560 and won.

You get your bet back (£2560) plus £2560 in winnings. Previously you had lost £2520, so you now have £40 in profit.

You cannot statistically lose, and you always make your original stake back. Repeat this a few times and you get unlimited free money.

Ubuntu. Linux for human beings.

If you are interested in trying Ubuntu or Linux in general, PM me and I will answer your questions and help you install it if you wish.