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happydolphin said:
Mazty said:

1) What ad hominems? Stating that you lack knowledge on this topic, which you do, is relevant to this topic, is it not? Ignorance is to do with level of knowledge and it not an insult - that is you misunderstanding the word.

2) You wanted a definition. Having to scale PS4 games down to the Wii U/7th gen hardware would change the product so much that it would be a different product. You can't expect to hop from 8gb RAM to 1, a considerably inferior GPU and CPU, with a HDD not being standard and expect it to be comparible. 

3) 9th gen would be what succeeds the 8th gen. Maybe something like Last Light on Ultra with all the bells and whistles would be 9th gen, but then again maybe it's just peak 8th gen? Hard to say. 

4) UE4 is NOT COMING TO THE WII U. It's not made for the Wii U. As far as Epic are concerned, the Wii U is 7th gen. 

5) Obviously you are unaware of the tech gap between the PS4 and Wii U. Fact is the Wii U is miles behind the PS4. Now if a game is made for the PS4, how could they scale it down to the Wii U? You are loosing the HDD, ~6 cores and 6 GB of RAM, and going to a considerably inferior GPU and CPU
Explain how you that leap could be made. 

6) You have proven that you don't know anything about technology or even the industry. Since when did CoD 4 or any "made for 7th gen" game appear on a 6th gen console? 

Why are you arguing something you have no experience in or understanding of? What is your reasoning for arguing instead of listening?

1) You don't know what Ad hominem means. Ad hominem = towards person. In other words, rather than arguing my points, you're simply discrediting my knowledge, which itself should be apparent in my posts. So you're not only defeating the purpose, but you're also making it excessively difficult to have a mature argument. You wanted mature, your strategy is inadequate. It is technically not an insult to call someone an ignorant, but using ad hominem rather than addressing points leads to insulting posts and non-constructive debates. SO CHANGE. Yes, I want you to change.

2) And that's why I said it depends on your definition of a "different" product, what constitutes enough change to break that barrier of "Same product/different product", that's what I was asking for. Instead you gave me the definition of product.... Now you understand why I'm upset. Also, you have no proof of it being a different product, and laid no ground rules. That's what I'm asking for and you can't provide it because you yourself don't know. If you did, we'd have this covered 8 posts back.

3) Last light on top settings... Isn't that what I said like 20 posts ago? Please understand my aggravation.

4) I asked you for a link where I said UE4 was coming to the U. I asked for it because, you know... I NEVER SAID THAT!! And you haven't figured that out yet. Not only did you fuck that up, but you can't even own up to it. That's why I'm pissed.

5) If the leap could be made from the PS3 to the PS2 with games like madden, then it sure as hell can be made from the PS4 to the U. No matter what kind of constraint you pull, the fact of the matter is that it's doable. They will have to sacrifice certain features, but other than that it's possible. As for the HDD missing, that has, as far as I understood it, no impact in terms of rendering. It was my understanding that game speed was dependent on RAM, not HDD memory.

6) I gave you madden, that should be enough. But you ask for COD. Okay, I'll serve you COD. You consider the Wii on par with gen 6 am I correct? As far as I know, COD was also delivered on the Wii, albeit downscaled. That was all the Modern Warfares and Black Ops, available on Wii. You will say this was a different product, and for COD I will agree with you, exceptionally, because it is an FPS and requires a high resolution (HD) to see small shapes. However, that will no longer be true on U, which is HD. For one, this answers your question, albeit Madden was sufficient.

7) My reason for arguing is that I know I'm right, and I'm just looking to show that arguments speak louder than pretenses. You are working off pretenses, I am working off arguments. Let's see what wins, but I know what does. I'm much older than you after all, and I actually work in the field.

Okay so you don't know what an ad hominem is...I suggest you wiki it. An ad hominem was if I was trying to discredit your argument because you didn't know what an ad hominem is. Saying your argument is invalid because you literally don't understand hardware (which you don't) and you have never actually seen 1st hand the graphics you speak of is logical. What is actually going on here is the Dunning-Kruger effect:

"The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly rating their ability much higher than average"

As you have said, you have no experience of state of the art graphics and have no hardware/software knowledge yet you still seem to believe you are able to talk about a topic that revolves around those things.

To cut to the chase, the Wii U is far too inferior to have games ported to it from the PS4 if said game is a genuine 8th gen game e.g. Gears of War, CoD 4+ etc. If you want to argue otherwise, explain how you could account for the lack in CPU, GPU and HDD. Saying that a HDD doesn't affect rendering shows that you clearly havent a fucking clue with regard to loading textures and models. Also guess what alters rendering - the GPU, and the CPU and RAM. UE4 will never come to the Wii U therefore why mention it coming to tablets? What was your point in mentioning that? 

You know you are right about a topic you have no idea about. D-K effect dude, you are letting arrogance get in the way. Your argument is based on complete ignorance. You have no idea how graphics works but still want to argue about them. You sir need to look at your attitude if you think you are justified in your ignorance. You're older than me, sure, but so what? The fact you mention that is hilarious and oh so very telling.  Pray tell, what field do you work in and does it trump my IT experience? Cleary it doesn't as you don't have the slightest clue about software or hardware. If a game relies on large scenes, complex AI, physics or graphics, it isn't viable on the Wii U. Large scale games also won't happen e.g. Planetside 2.
Games for consoles are meant to be easy to develop. It'd be incredibly difficult to then be told "LOL reduce your RAM by 85% (and make it slower), reduce the CPU by just as much, remove the HDD and now factor in the inferior graphics." What console game is designed to be that flexible?

The Wii U cannot play PS4 games and no matter what you say, it still won't get them! So argue all you want, you'll never be proven right ;)