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superchunk said:
DanneSandin said:
Man... Wii U has just flat lined. This is terrible. I hate this thread. And I hate YOU superchunk because you made it! But most of all I hate Nintendo for not doing anything ='(

You can't hate me. That's just wrong.

I am astonished Nintendo is basically waiting until E3 to really do anything about it. Better be a massive E3 and last half of year.

I... I know it's wrong :'( I just can't help myself D':

I don't think there's much they CAN do... They can't release any games just yet anyways, and simply announcing games haven't worked well before (I'm refering to the January ND), so better to get out all the 3DS news before e3 and just focus on Wii U

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.