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happydolphin said:
Mazty said:

1)Good going. 




  1. An article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.

3)No, the games are not 9th gen...You have no idea about graphics. Just stop replying dude, why are you talking about something you don't understand and have no experience with?
4)Why did Epic games say then that UE4 isn't coming to Wii U? Explain that one.
5)Why are you going on about UE4 and tablets then? 
6)6th gen games went to the 7th gen e.g. NFS: Most Wanted. NFS: Most Wanted was not found on the PS1. The best the Wii U will get is multiplatforms that are seen on the PS3/360 and use very little extra power on the 8th gen consoles. If you understood how graphics works, this would make sense
7)You have no knowledge, technical or personal regarding graphics. You've only proven yourself to be pretentious, and not knowledgable in the slightest.

1) That was your fault. I asked you a long time ago to keep the Ad hominems out and you failed. So good on you.
2) And how does THAT add anything to your point?
3) So what defines a 9th gen game, pray tell.
4) Did you find the link yet?
5) Because if UE4 is scalable to tablets, then it sure as hell is scalable to WiiU.
6) If you understood how intelligence worked, you would understand that this argument was case closed at Madden 2008 and needed no further comment.
7) I have proben this far, point by point, that you are wrong.

What ad hominems? Stating that you lack knowledge on this topic, which you do, is relevant to this topic, is it not? Ignorance is to do with level of knowledge and it not an insult - that is you misunderstanding the word.

You wanted a definition. Having to scale PS4 games down to the Wii U/7th gen hardware would change the product so much that it would be a different product. You can't expect to hop from 8gb RAM to 1, a considerably inferior GPU and CPU, with a HDD not being standard and expect it to be comparible. 

9th gen would be what succeeds the 8th gen. Maybe something like Last Light on Ultra with all the bells and whistles would be 9th gen, but then again maybe it's just peak 8th gen? Hard to say. 

UE4 is NOT COMING TO THE WII U. It's not made for the Wii U. As far as Epic are concerned, the Wii U is 7th gen. 

Obviously you are unaware of the tech gap between the PS4 and Wii U. Fact is the Wii U is miles behind the PS4. Now if a game is made for the PS4, how could they scale it down to the Wii U? You are loosing the HDD, ~6 cores and 6 GB of RAM, and going to a considerably inferior GPU and CPU
Explain how you that leap could be made. 

You have proven that you don't know anything about technology or even the industry. Since when did CoD 4 or any "made for 7th gen" game appear on a 6th gen console? 

Why are you arguing something you have no experience in or understanding of? What is your reasoning for arguing instead of listening?