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happydolphin said:
Mazty said:

1)Please keep this argument mature.
2)The downscaling required will result in a different product rather than a less resource intensive product
3)I said PCs are 9th gen, not those games. Strawman argument.
4)UE4 is not for Wii U, ergo you won't be getting UE4 games on Wii U. Unless Epic games are wrong. Lol. 
5)Lolwut. Again, UE4 not for Wii U. 
6)No it's not. Metro isn't appearing on PS2. Or Wii U. Read closely as you have failed to grasp this point - games made for the 8th gen will not be made for the 7th gen which is what you are saying it will be. That has never happened and will not happen. 

7) Why are you arguing about a topic you have no experience or knowledge about? What makes you think you have a valid opinion? What possess someone to argue about a topic they do not understand? How can you take your own opinion seriously when you have no experience to do with high end graphics and no technical understanding of how graphics work?

1) Too late.
2) That depends on your definition of product.
3) That means nothing. So you're telling me that PCs are 9th gen buts its games aren't? Sure man.
4) My point was that it's scalable to tablets (and hence would be scalable to WiiU).
5) Again, find post where I said it was getting ported to U. Laugh at yourself.
6) You fail at vghistory, it is a fact that gen 7 games were supported on gen 6 platforms for at least 2 years into this gen. Games like Madden continued to be released on the PS2. See, you're wrong. Also, Metro Last Light is appearing on the PS3, which is my point. On max settings it's a gen 8 game, but it can be run on a gen 7 machine.
7) Because I have enough knowledge to prove you wrong and put you to shame, and that's all I want right now, because of your behavior in this thread. I want you to feel bad for behaving like a pretentious duchebag who has as only ability to put others down on assumptions such as that I lack information or that I'm reaching when come this far I think is quite clear is a false assumption. If someone with my limited knowledge can prove you wrong, then I hope you feel very very bad about putting me down.

1)Good going. 


  1. An article or substance that is manufactured or refined for sale.

3)No, the games are not 9th gen...You have no idea about graphics. Just stop replying dude, why are you talking about something you don't understand and have no experience with?
4)Why did Epic games say then that UE4 isn't coming to Wii U? Explain that one.
5)Why are you going on about UE4 and tablets then? 
6)6th gen games went to the 7th gen e.g. NFS: Most Wanted. NFS: Most Wanted was not found on the PS1. The best the Wii U will get is multiplatforms that are seen on the PS3/360 and use very little extra power on the 8th gen consoles. If you understood how graphics works, this would make sense
7)You have no knowledge, technical or personal regarding graphics. You've only proven yourself to be pretentious, and not knowledgable in the slightest.