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happydolphin said:
Mazty said:

Coming from the guy who has no technical knowledge or experience with high end graphics or the hardware......1) Yeah sure, it's my argument that sucks.....

2) No it's not possible because the average quality will get ramped up for the PS4, and not stay within 7th gen realms. 3) Why are you pretending that the Wii U is compatible with PS4 games? It's not. Do you own a Wii U or something and are trying to justify your purchase?

UE4 is being ported to tablets in a considerably scaled down version. 4) If you think you'll get anything close to even the Samaritan demo on tablets you have no idea what you are on about. Epic have already said UE4 is not for the Wii U. 5) Didn't you catch that one?

6) Yeah. Enjoy. Since when have games for the PS3 and 360 been scaled BACKWARDS to work on the PS2 or xbox? That is what you are suggesting. Games will be scaled backwards to play on the Wii U. They won't. It's never happened and won't happen.
See. I said you don't know what you are on about and 7) *shock horror* I was right. And there isn't a buisness case for it. It's more effort than it's worth and is something that has never, ever been done. 

1) Your arguments suck, because they just inherrently do, irrespective of your perception of my knowledge on the matter. But your perception does not allow you to understand the depths of just how wrong you are, so it's a lost cause.

2) What is not possible?

3)  I'm not, it's a fact. Since Metro Last Light and Crysis 3 are considered gen 9 and PS4 is gen 8 (PER YOUR OWN POST) , then if PS3 can play scaled down versions of PC games, then so can the U,  since they are on par. No pretending here, just logic.

4) I think the word scaled down flaked out of your logical circuit. In other words, the games can be playable on the tablets, only stripped of many fancy features.

5) Can you link me to the post where I said Wii U was being supported by UE4? Also, I hope you realize the U is stronger than most current tablets. Or are you willing to say that the PS3 is weaker than tablets, sony fan that you are?

6) You are in a dream world. It's happening today (see point 3, using your own logic).

7) Shock horror indeed, you logic that is.

1)Please keep this argument mature.
2)The downscaling required will result in a different product rather than a less resource intensive product
3)I said PCs are 9th gen, not those games. Strawman argument.
4)UE4 is not for Wii U, ergo you won't be getting UE4 games on Wii U. Unless Epic games are wrong. Lol. 
5)Lolwut. Again, UE4 not for Wii U. 
6)No it's not. Metro isn't appearing on PS2. Or Wii U. Read closely as you have failed to grasp this point - games made for the 8th gen will not be made for the 7th gen which is what you are saying it will be. That has never happened and will not happen. 

Why are you arguing about a topic you have no experience or knowledge about? What makes you think you have a valid opinion? What possess someone to argue about a topic they do not understand? How can you take your own opinion seriously when you have no experience to do with high end graphics and no technical understanding of how graphics work?
Would you participate in a meeting wherever you work (I presume you work) on a project you know nothing about?