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Mazty said:
happydolphin said:
Mazty said:


Your ignorance is now turning into pretention (again, look it up in the dictionary before thinking it's an insult). 
1) Firstly, do you have any idea of the graphical difference between The PS3 and PC? 
2) Secondly, the PS3/360 is a market of  >140 Million consoles. 
3) Thirdly, the PS3/360 are at the end of their life cycle, so devs are fully acustomed to them. 

4) What you are propsing is to make Last Light playable on the PS2. 
As far as the tech is concered (DF article states this), the Wii U is in a different league to the PS4.

So here's a simple breakdown according to the DF guys and looking at purely hardware:
9th gen - Gaming PC
8th gen - PS4
7th gen - Wii U

5) Since when did a game stretch over 3 gens? 6) If a game comes out on the PS4, is maxed out on PC, why would it also come out on Wii U? What game stretches 3 generations? 7) Go away and stop guessing at something you don't understand. 8) No dev will want to design a game for 8gb DDR3/GDDR5 and then be told "Now make it for 1gb. And a slower processor. With less cores. And no HDD as standard." 


Your arguments suck.

1) I do.

2) That's a business argument and has nothing to do with technical limitations.

3) So it's possible. You just disproved your original argument. Hey, if it comes from you, you can't call yourself a pretentious ignorant, can you? Good, that saves me the annoyance.

4) No, the PS2 wouldn't be able to handle it. Unlike the PS3 and WiiU. (you answered that yourself in 3)

5) Did you know that UE4 is being ported to tablets? Yeah, it's scalable.

6) Why shouldn't it? But regardless, that's not OP and you're off topic.

7) CENSORED for fear of ban.

8) If there's a business case for it they will do what they're told and keep quiet.

Coming from the guy who has no technical knowledge or experience with high end graphics or the hardware......Yeah sure, it's my argument that sucks.....

No it's not possible because the average quality will get ramped up for the PS4, and not stay within 7th gen realms. Why are you pretending that the Wii U is compatible with PS4 games? It's not. Do you own a Wii U or something and are trying to justify your purchase?

UE4 is being ported to tablets in a considerably scaled down version. If you think you'll get anything close to even the Samaritan demo on tablets you have no idea what you are on about. Epic have already said UE4 is not for the Wii U. Didn't you catch that one?

Yeah. Enjoy. Since when have games for the PS3 and 360 been scaled BACKWARDS to work on the PS2 or xbox? That is what you are suggesting. Games will be scaled backwards to play on the Wii U. They won't. It's never happened and won't happen.
See. I said you don't know what you are on about and *shock horror* I was right. And there isn't a buisness case for it. It's more effort than it's worth and is something that has never, ever been done. 

To be fair, I doubt the Samaritan demo can run that well on the PS4 lol, not to mention that demo runs on UE3 and not UE4 you silly goose. :P