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Captain_Tom said:
Pemalite said:
Captain_Tom said:

Low end and mid range?  AMD's released data of the 4-core Jaguar APU shows it coming close to an mobile i3.  The PS4 one will have 8 cores which should bring it close to an i3-2100/ i7-920 (Yes those are both the same gaming power).  Also the GPU is in between a 7850 and 7870.  That makes it stronger than the strongest AMD GPU 1.5 years ago, and it can still max out any game in 1080p.  It may be "Midrange," but this years midrange is way stronger than usual.  They then managed to put it on one die with the CPU!  That is impressive!

Yes, my  $1000 PC is 2-4 times stronger than the PS4, but it is impressive.  Nothing in the Wii U is anywhere near as impressive as that.  They took a 6570 and cut it way down so it uses small amounts of power.  Yay!

Actually the Core i7 920 has an edge in heavily threaded games, being a quaddy and all.
The i3 2100 is just a dual core core, so if what you say is true and those 8 jaguar cores are equivalent to a low-end i3 dual-core, then I reiterate it simply ain't good enough, I wan't next generation to *feel* like next generation and not just for the first couple of years either.

The Radeon 7850 and 7870 is Mid-Range. The Radeon 7950 and 7970 is high-end, the 7990 is enthusiast level stuff.
As for a 7850 maxing out any current game at 1080P, sure, i'll concede you that point, but games have been static in their system requirements for so long because of this current generation, how would a 7850 fair if games were pushing the envelope?
As for it being stronger than the fastest AMD GPU from 1.5 years ago, that's not correct either, it's slower than the fastest AMD GPU from 4 years ago, Aka. The Radeon 5970.

1) The i3-2100 beats the i7 80% of the time and in general they are about equal (Let's not quible about this).  The i3's are NOT lowly.  They cost $120-$150 dollars and are notoriously good gaming CPU's that have four threads btw (Ik not 4 cores).  Only noobs think i3=low end, and i7=beast.  Many i3's from today beat i7's from 2 years ago, and many i5's today beat other current i7's.  It's all marketing, you have to know your CPU to know if it is truly better.

2) There is no reason for the CPU to be any stronger.  An i7-920 only bottlenecks cards twice as strong as the one in the PS4 (If that).

3)I am not talking about dual-cards ever when I say "Strongest."  Those cards are really two cards in one, so it isn't even fair to compare them.  The 6970 from 1.5 years ago trades blows with the HD 7850, and the cards in the PS4 is a beefed up 7850.

4) The PS3 had a severely cut down 7800 which was also midrange.  The PS3 had 16x the RAM of the PS2 and it was faster (Just like the PS4 to PS3).  The Processor in the PS4 is probably only 2-3 times stronger than the one in the PS3, but then again the CELL was crazy strong for its time to the point that the other parts in the system bottlenecked the living hell out of it.  For all tense and purposes this gen is about the same leap (Theoretically) as the previous one.  So don't complain.  However the Wii U is again, massively behind this leap.  It is a generation behind.

You are talking about PC codes that are not optimized for multi-threading but more on brute force MHz(which is already slowly changing, thank goodness), which we know won't be the case for a closed environment like consoles, then again, a 920 would be overkill in something like the PS4.