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Tigerlure said:


Washington (CNN) -- In a major defeat for supporters of tougher gun laws, the U.S. Senate on Wednesday defeated a compromise plan to expand background checks on firearms sales as well as a proposal to ban some semi-automatic weapons modeled after military assault weapons.

The votes were on a series of amendments to a broad package of gun laws pushed by President Barack Obama and Democratic leaders in the aftermath of the Newtown school massacre in December.

However, fierce opposition by the powerful National Rifle Association led a backlash by conservative Republicans and some Democrats from pro-gun states that doomed some of the major proposals in the gun package.

Basically I'm just wondering. I guess I am not well informed of the issue since I'm not a gun owner, but could someone explain to me what was wrong with this bill and what's wrong with universal background checks in general?

To understand the backlash, it is important to understand the mindset behind things.  There is this view that we are in a crisis point, and any day, the govenrment can come in and take everything over.  In this view, the belief is if you register your guns, the government will know where they are and then be able to come for them, thus disarming the citizens.  People actually believe this, so any form of attempting to eliminate insane individuals from getting  guns and attacking people is seen as a threat to good citizens.  And in this, you have ANYTHING on the part of the government, being opposed.  These individuals only see more guns as the answer, and they even proposed more guns in schools, in order to stop individuals from coming in and doing shootings.  In short, have the janitors as commandos who will take down thungs with properly aimed shots to their head, and because these janitors are so competent shots, you dont have to worry about them missing and hitting innocent bystandards.  For these individuals, the government is seen as a greater threat than insane individuals getting ahold of guns, so they are willing to tolerate students being shot and killed in school in order to protect their freedom.  And yes, this wreckless mindset is fully justified and supported, because for some people, freedom above the loss of human life, is an essential part for them to live.