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theprof00 said:
snyps said:
theprof00 said:
snyps said:

Think about the old west (if you are not American use google).  There were very few laws.  Ppl got by in life by being strong and smart.  Point being if everyone is a well armed well trained person, you can then remove laws and everyone will leave each other alone because they don't wanna die.  Your argument is theory.  Mine is fact proven by American history.  Bad stuff will always happen but fear and loss of liberty is unnessassry.

What? How is your argument fact? The old west? Seriously?? That's when all the most dangerous people existed. You know what stopped it? The US Federal Government!

I re-read this again and I'm still shocked.

We disagree.  No big deal right.  You really think all the most dangerous people don't exist in america today?  Ppl are still being robbed and shot in the face and there's nothing you can do about it but but a gun in the victims hand to scare the criminal. Criminals aren't afraid of laws they're afraid of bullets.  Just my opinion, laws are only effective against good people who you have nothing to fear. Shocking isn't it.. Jabb jabb j/k

See, I understand your point, but the Old West is just a very bad example.
And frankly, I've NEVER heard of a gun carrying citizen stopping a crime. The only times I hear about such things are people shooting intruders in their home. But that doesn't prevent people from breaking and entering either.

I'm just playing devil's advocate here, but people with guns don't really stop criminals with guns either. Sure we can look at states with and without guns and look at crime rates, but there's all kinds of exceptions in that data.

As far as who is more dangerous, just look up the old outlaws. Nobody could stop them, even with huge bounties on their heads and bounty hunters trailing them. They'd literally stroll into towns, grab a drink, and nobody would do anything.

Penty of people stop other criminals with guns with theior own weapons. they just dont make big media stories because they dont push the anti gun agenda. but there are many more than this as this is just one link i clicked on in google, and I often see these articles pop up on drudge.


1. Marine opens fire in apartment parking lot

An Oklahoma City marine who was on leave suddenly began opening fire in the parking lot of his apartment complex late last year. Witnesses said he originally tried to go into the apartment complex’s main office, but after employees locked him out, he started to fire his gun in the parking lot. As he was firing, another citizen with a concealed handgun came around the corner and ordered him to drop his weapon. It worked and no one was hurt.

2. Restaurant owner shoots, kills armed robbers

Just a few short days ago, 2 suspects walked into a restaurant to order food. When the employee opened the register, one of the men pulled a handgun and threatened the employees. The suspect then reached over the counter and grabbed the money. He then turned and pointed the gun toward the owner of the restaurant who was sitting at a table in the middle of the restaurant. The owner pulled out his own gun, shot the criminal in the chest, and killed him.

3. Man killed in attempted robbery

In November 2009, career criminal Kevin Duane Dudley walked into an Alabama business with a sawed-off shotgun to commit armed robbery. Thankfully, some shoppers were able to distract Dudley long off for the owner of the store to retrieve his gun and defend himself. The owner ended up shooting and killing the criminal. Dudley had been tied to several other robberies in the area as well as a recent murder.

4. Two armed robbers get shot during home invasion

When two masked men with guns broke into his home and pointed their weapons at one of the residents, Cody Buckler immediately took action. He retrieved his gun from upstairs and began shooting at the criminals. The crooks fled the scene, leaving a trail of blood behind them. The criminals were eventually apprehended.

5. Mass shooting stopped by armed volunteer security guard

In December 2007, Matthew Murray pledged he wanted to kill as many Christians as he could. The 24-year-old went to New Life Church in Colorado Springs and opened fire, killing 4 people in the process. Thankfully, an armed security guard was able to get his her weapon and shoot Murray several times, stopping him from killing any others. However, in the end, it was Murray’s own self-inflicted gunshot that ended up killing him.

6. School shooter stopped by armed college students

In 2002, a shooting at Appalachian School of Law left 3 people dead. However, the shooter was stopped before he could kill any more people. Thankfully, 2 students were able to run to their cars, get their guns, and use their weapons to halt the rampage.

7. Grandma stops intruder

When 69-year-old Ethel Jones heard her doors rattling at 3 a.m., she grabbed her gun from underneath the pillow next to her. She ended up finding an intruder inside her bedroom, forcing her to shoot the teen in the abdomen. The teenager survived and faced charges of second-degree burglary.

8. Pizza Hut delivery driver says his gun saved his life

An unnamed Pizza Hut delivery driver started carrying a legal concealed handgun to work after being robbed twice in the last 2 years. Just last week, he was robbed by 2 armed men inside the restaurant. The men pistol whipped him and as they started to lift the driver’s shirt exposing his gun, the worker pulled out his weapon and opened fire. He said he had no other choice but to act and save his life.



Edit: Everyone should also watch this show I have only seen a few episodes, but hearing what these people go through when someone breaks into their house is really eye opening.