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happydolphin said:
Mazty said:

You've admitted to having never seen state of the art graphics so that does make you ignorant with regard to graphics, more so when you claim you can't see the point in them, the point in something you've never seen. 

No one said the games are unplayable...Thats rediculous. However the downscaling of something for the PS4 would be so time intensive, and require such a cut back in system specs, it wouldn't be worth it and the end product would be too different from the original. 

You've admitted you've never seen state of the art graphics - this does make you ignorant on the topic. Fact. Don't be upset at me, be upset at the dictionary. 

I've never seen them off of youtube, on a 1080 display. But I've seen them on youtube, with all the effects. I've seen them on pictures, etc. etc.

@bold. That's because you aren't reading the thread. And it drives me up the wall. Yes people have said that things will be done on the PS4 that just can't be done on WiiU (in other words the game couldn't be made with gen 7 tech), and I said the only case where that is correct is the David Cage stuff (due to 1 to 1 human emotion attempt). Everything else is downscalable. And  you are speculating to say it would be too different from the original, when we've given many cases where downscaling has kept games playable (Witcher 2 PC versus xbox, Crysis 3 max settings versus low settings, etc.). How do you not know this if you're the one with the high-end PC?

I'm upset at you because you're just hanging on to words and not to the nuances in the meanings (because you don't want to understand, you just want to call me ignorant). I said I SAW the tech demos on youtube, I saw some high-end PC footage on youtube. Only diff is you saw it on a proper build, on a 1080P display, that's the only diff.

Also, even with the "knowledge" that I have, and I do have some at this point, I'm just no expert, I can tell you that if the difference is not so incredibly major to me, it will not be to the general public. There are some differences I simply don't see, then there are some I see. The same tech demo, someone will notice something I didn't. It doesn't make me as ignorant as it makes me normal. And guess who the mainstream is? Yep, you got it... normal people.

I had figured you have only seen the compressed videos and still images....This still makes you ignorant on the topic as you need to see the graphics in motion to understand the difference. If we consider Shadowfall will look much better when released due to further development and it not being a compressed video, go figure how it'll look.

How do you know everything is scaleable though? Define "scaleable". Is reducing the AI from ultra-realistics to run-of-the mill an adequate reduction? What about graphics? How many NPC's can be sacrificed? What about detail like draw distance and physics simulations? If you are wanting to see on the WiiU more or less the same games that will be on PS4, that won't happen; the ports will be like CoD for the wii, worse in every way. 

Saying that graphics can't noticably improve from the PS3 is very, very ignorant. As a PC gamer, I can tell you that graphics can still massively improve, with said improvements being noticable to anyone with a working pair of eyes. The fact you aren't even aware of youtube compression/the difference in quality shows how little you know about the topic at hand. 

Please don't bother replying until you actually see next-gen graphics first hand. Plus who exactly said "OMG Shadowfall doesn't (graphically) look any better"??