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well I said it's the future of gaming..... but not for now.... I mean the concept is probably gonna be a part of most games in the future.... but it needs serious amelioration...

me yes I use it everyday but to navigate menus or play videos pause then rewind etc.... cause by the time I turn my game pad on I can already tell the console to do what I want.... or better yet I don't have to let go of my pizza slice :D

motion control... why not.... but that will be more when display tech will improve the day you have a 360 Kinect motion sensor with some form of wide picaprojector.... it could be great for a lot of stuff.... that with augmented reality glasses I could see it be great in a lot of simulation... strategy games or even RPG.... basically living the screen free for full display and the rest for the HUD inventory etc.....

so yeah.... the future of gaming will have some form of motion and sound control.... imagine playing a poker game holding cards only you see through your VR cards in a projected 3D casino setting... and then playing Time cop croping behind your couche.... or starcraft 36 with all the hud display open on side displays... using your hand to command....

it's all about the quality of the tech.... the better it gets the more hardcore it can get...