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walsufnir said:
Pemalite said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

 The PS4 is impressive....for a console. No one asked for anymore than for a well made console that could push tech in the next generation. I am not talking about a customizable PC, but rather a console that is powerful enoguh to enjoy great games that have high expectations.

No. The PS4 isn't impressive, to say otherwise is just being silly or bordering on fanaticism.
It's got a low-end processor to the point you can't get much slower in the x86 world and a mid-range graphics chip.


Low end and mid range?  AMD's released data of the 4-core Jaguar APU shows it coming close to an mobile i3.  The PS4 one will have 8 cores which should bring it close to an i3-2100/ i7-920 (Yes those are both the same gaming power).  Also the GPU is in between a 7850 and 7870.  That makes it stronger than the strongest AMD GPU 1.5 years ago, and it can still max out any game in 1080p.  It may be "Midrange," but this years midrange is way stronger than usual.  They then managed to put it on one die with the CPU!  That is impressive!

Yes, my  $1000 PC is 2-4 times stronger than the PS4, but it is impressive.  Nothing in the Wii U is anywhere near as impressive as that.  They took a 6570 and cut it way down so it uses small amounts of power.  Yay!