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curl-6 said:
Mazty said:
curl-6 said:
Mazty said:

Just less visuals? Try less NPC's, less music/script/sound files, simpler AI and of course more basic visuals. 

Not necessarily. For example, a Modern Warfare Wii dev confirmed the enemy counts weren't reduced.

It's all relative though. No reduction in npc's means greater cuts elsewhere.

That's the trick, trimming in the right spots to maintain the core gameplay.

But as dev after dev is stating, graphics are vitial for immersion - Crytek, Epic, Kojima Productions, Quantic Dream etc so mainting core gameplay may require graphics to be cutting edge or at least up to a very high standard, and it won't be trimming as much as it'll be complete amputation of features.

In short, it'll take so much effort and result in such a watered down product, they probably won't bother porting games to wii u.