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S.T.A.G.E. said:

 The PS4 is impressive....for a console. No one asked for anymore than for a well made console that could push tech in the next generation. I am not talking about a customizable PC, but rather a console that is powerful enoguh to enjoy great games that have high expectations.

No. The PS4 isn't impressive, to say otherwise is just being silly or bordering on fanaticism.
It's got a low-end processor to the point you can't get much slower in the x86 world and a mid-range graphics chip.

At-least when the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 launched they had high-end hardware relative to high-end PC's, this time around? Not so much, more or less mid-range or lower in components.
Mind you, we are yet to see what the Xbox 720 has to offer, might end up being a bit quicker than the PS4. (Although the reverse could be true.)

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--