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DietSoap said:

When you consider Microsoft's entire reason for entering the console business in the first place, when you consider the possibility of the 360 acting as stepping stone for finally bringing so many of us over to PC (Windows in particular) in the first place was all by design, then you can't help but consider the possibity that the 720 being designed to keep the Wii U in the game is by design as well.

So what you are saying is: 

MS created the Xbox 360 as a stepping stone to convince the market to use Windows 7. And now they are going to deliberatly gimp the 720 and take the ram out, to close the gap between PS4 and Wii U, and thus enable Nintendo to be a more relevant option for 3rd party games in the future, in order to complete their primary mission to keep Sony down ? 


I think I am going to sleep now....