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Suddenly it's revealed the Direct will be global, and with Wii U info in Japan to boot, and everyone expects less?

Guys. Guys. That is the opposite of how Nintendo Directs work. You really thought Nintendo was going to reveal Majora's Mask 3D in the West and not even mention it in Japan? Wait, you really thought Nintendo was going to reveal Majora's Mask 3D at all?

There won't be any huge game reveals. There just won't. It's too close to E3. Set your expectations accordingly. If you go in thinking, "they better show me Smash Bros footage and reveal a new Metroid game and put Pokémon Red and Blue on the Virtual Console tomorrow," you are setting yourself up for a LOT of disappointment. If you go in thinking, "I'd like to see how Donkey Kong Country Returns will work on 3DS, and get some more information about Animal Crossing and the summer releases, and maybe a couple of eShop titles," you will be pleased with the Direct. Just be realistic.

Evidently, the Japanese Direct will elaborate on the Wii U system update as well, which goes live in Japan next week. This is great news! Even if they don't talk about it in the NA Direct (though I suspect they might), we'll have some idea of what's going on from the Japanese one.

Get hype for tomorrow. Just don't get too hype. Make sure your body is at the appropriate level of readiness.