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Y'know, one could make the very, very simple argument that it's "wasted efforts" to put games on the 360 or PS3, since neither of them is capable of anywhere near the sort of gameplay available on the Wii. They both are only capable of the same, tired gameplay mechanic that's been overused for the past two decades... just a better-looking version. Meanwhile, Tecmo is capable of doing far, far more in the realm of actual gameplay on the Wii. I'd hate to see their games wasted on the PS3 or 360. Give them the small-budget cash-in, and the Wii the good stuff.

See what I did there? Since third-parties and consumers both are flocking to the Wii, my argument has a lot more evidence and opinion to back it. So, unless you want to be made a complete fool of (again), I'd suggest you stop trolling with your fanboyistic dreck, and start paying attention to the facts - that there are good offerings available for each console, and each has its own niche market that deserves their own unique offerings - but none are truly any worse of a "gaming machine".
