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fillet said:
richardhutnik said:
fillet said:
I'm with you OP.

My only problem now is that I find an unusually large proportion of Sony fans to get right on my tits with their evangelical style of promoting the "Playstation" brand.

It's a real turn off, it's not quite as annoying now that I've seen what I have of the PS4 reveals because I actually agree on that bit. I still don't agree with the preacher crap though, from stupid avatars to worshiping type language in posts...

My anti-Sony bias came from the trashing of the Dreamcast on Usenet by trolls there.  it was horrible.  Fanboys do a lot of damage.  Again, there is a lot of wait and see on things.  I have also been trying to be very patient with the Wii U, cheerleadered it a bit early on, but not sure it can keep up at this point.

I have to say that the Wii-U isn't looking good, I got one a few weeks ago and love the tablet/gamepad thingy, very nice but yes it looks dire.

See my edit...not sure if you can see any validity in my mini rant, but thought you might be able to relate. I'm a recovering continuously banned person here so don't bother with the personal stuff anymore but since you were kind on the topic...sortof thought I'd have a litte vent on the matter :p

I have been on forums crying to get banned sometime, and I don't get banned.  Go figure.  I can see if, said wrong, one can get into trouble.  I will say I have gotten a number of warning though.  My worst one was where I posted one implying America must be stupid for think XBox is superior, right?  Did get dinged as a troll and warned.  I then did rewrite it asking why consoles sell better in some place than others.

Console partisans drain the fun out of things.  I guess that happens since formal religion has gone into the back of culture, and people need some religious impulse, so if it isn't politics or sports, it ends up in videogame consoles, which are nothing but electronic devices meant to play software.