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I'm with you OP.

My only problem now is that I find an unusually large proportion of Sony fans to get right on my tits with their evangelical style of promoting the "Playstation" brand.

It's a real turn off, it's not quite as annoying now that I've seen what I have of the PS4 reveals because I actually agree on that bit. I still don't agree with the preacher crap though, from stupid avatars to worshiping type language in posts...


Back to the PS4 though, from what we know now I can't see how even the most biased MS fan couldn't give it credit. Strangely enough, the PS4 hasn't been that high of a target for rubbing MS fan's noses in it - as much as I thought it would. I put this down to low intelligence of certain PS fans on internet forums. They don't understand real specs, just words like "CELL" and "BELIEVE" or any other buzzword that means nothing to them.


I know that sounds condemning and I'm assuming it's ok to voice that view here as it's on topic. I mean I really want to like Sony these days, but just hope the rhetoric used in the PS3 days doesn't make an annoying return, from the stupid release lists for games that aren't coming out for ages to discussing stupid places the PS3 has been used (well the CELL cpu) as some kind of affirmation of it's power without even realizing that different types of CPUs are better in different the (even today) rabid hoard of fanboys commenting on any news on N4G...


I'd say Sony deserves a better standard of fan. So I'm pleased that as someone who was swayed more in the MS direction and now rationally impressed by the PS4 that you made this thread.

We need less nutters and more level headed ground people!...maybe that last line is irony though as I received a message a couple of days ago telling my I have "social issues" and am basically a right bastard on here.