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Nem said:

Yet the man is convinced he is right. Dont you just wish you had such a great job? You can mess up all the time and still get paid. And let me tell you, he gets paid ALOT to spout this nosense.

The funniest things about this is the people that hate him on GAF and other sites help pay his check by making him and his companies more famous by the outrage they have with him. It is hilarious. No wonder he calls GAFers and others babies because they give him nothing, but reason to keep doing things that give him free publicity.

happydolphin said:

But what is even more incredible is that he isn't able to make the leap of faith that Nintendo may just have a decent 1st party (and hence 3rd party) line-up by the time its competition gets started.

The PS4 and nextbox should drop between September and November. It is already approaching May. How can anyone say the 1st and third party will be good by this time. Especially when almost all third party games are on PC, 360, PS3?