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I just find it incredible that Pachter makes a prediction of a prediction. He predicts the Xbox-next is gonna be subsidized, wich is questionable on its own since its alot of money. He predicts this subsidy will take most of the console price all the way down to 99 dollars and with all that he predicts Microsoft will win.

How ridiculous can the man get, seriously? Hes basically jumping 2 steps there. Theres alot of assuming there, and thats usually a hint.
We can just as easily assume Sony will make a partnership with samsung who will take the units price down to 99 euros if you buy a samasung TV on a lease. With this, Sony will win next gen cause the next playstation is gonna cost 99 dollars.

It... is... ridiculous. The man shouldnt be paid to say such nonsense. I dont dislike him, but when i see him giving these leaps of faith it makes me question if he realises what he is doing, or if he is just trying to generate goodwill for that outcome to happen, like he wishes it to.