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Otakumegane said:
RicardJulianti said:
It's funny to me that people claim that Nintendo doesn't have any third party support....when that simply isn't true. They have far more confirmed developers than they do ones that aren't outright supporting them.

Crytek, Capcom, Ubisoft, TT Games, WB, Square Enix, Criterion, Atlus, Namco Bandai, Sega, Platinum and Indie devs popping up left and right; versus EA (minus Criterion), Deep Silver, Epic (UE3 support only), and CD Projekt RED.

Anyone else is pure speculation on either side of the argument until E3 is said and done. There are almost no games announced for next-gen consoles anyway so it is a little early to say that they won't have any third party support. This is a fairly old article, but it definitely tells where the industry is headed.

Crytek-EA making sure WiiU never gets games, even though Crysis ran on WiiU.

Capcom-MH3U is a port. So is Resident Evil:R

Ubisoft-Ok yeah this one's decnet.

Square Enix-Deus Ex director's cut. Pretty much a dang port. DQX also a port.

Criterion-Port NFSMW

Platinum-You do realize Nintendo bought these guys for the games.

Bamco-Tank!Tank!Tank tanked. 

Sega-Sonic sells well on Nintendo consoles. Actually there are people that don't know Sega isn't a Nintendo character.

Everyone else-UE4. Pretty much that.

Crytek is not EA, Crysis and only Crysis is. I will say that it might just be CryEngine 3 support, though they do seem to be willing to develop for Wii U. The CEO said  that they don't have a business plan for Wii U at the moment (back in June and likely because it was too early) but that, "[there is] a game in development from a respected developer that we will be announcing. I've seen the game running and it looks really great" If he was referring to Crysis 3, he wouldn't have said "respected developer" or that they didn't have a business plan to develop for it.

Capcom - This is more about the relationship (as are most of them). They already have games on the system, doesn't matter if it is a port, they could have just as easily skipped MH3U and RE altogether.  

Square Enix - Again, relationships. If they are going to be focusing more on lower budget titles that may not fully appeal to the Western audience in order to not go bankrupt, Nintendo is the way to go. Lower budget by default, Japanese dominance. They didn't have to bring any games to the Wii U, but again....they are.

Criterion - Didn't have to port the game at all, and they made the definitive version, period. It would have been out at launch, but Nintendo was spotty with their dev kit support. They have also said that they will bring all NFS games to Wii U simultaneously.

Platinum - Still 3rd party. Nintendo has always had a good relationship with Platinum and Kamiya is a massive fan. It doesn't matter if the game is being published or funded by Nintendo, the 3rd party developer still remains independent. 

Namco Bandai - Forget about Smash? They are helping develop it. Again, relationships. They are still a third party that is confirmed to be working on a Wii U game, and that will help them become more familiar with the system. 

Sega - Doesn't matter if people don't understand that Sonic isn't a Nintendo character, they are still a 3rd party working on games.

Unreal Engine 4 won't be nearly as wide-spread as UE3 was. Developers are starting to create more in-house engines since it is cheaper than buying middleware. They have full control over it and its capabilities as well. Nintendo will likely license out the engine Retro has developed as well, no reason not to. Word is, it's spectacular.

They do have third party support, however veiled it might be at the moment. Pretty much every console launch in history is plagued with ports in the beginning. It's just the way it is.