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platformmaster918 said:

I'm just looking at week to week sales.  I'm sure 3DS did better during the holidays.  Look obviously 3DS is going to win a marketshare to marketshare battle considering it has only 1 competitor compared to PS3's 2 competitors.  I still don't see how selling less than PS3 in PS3's worst region marketshare wise can be considered good sales with all the things I mentioned.  PS3 is old and dominated in that market by its competition (well not Wii anymore) while 3DS is dominating handheld marketshare, relatively new, and cheaper yet it sells significantly less than PS3 most weeks.  It's more of a sign of general handheld decline in the US but it's still not good.  Japan is kinda the opposite where handhelds are strong and home consoles are weak.  Also PS3 is still a comeback considering that 2 years into its life and 3 years into 360's it didn't look like it would ever pass or would take forever to do so.  360 managed to get Kinect to catch on and give it a secondary boost, but PS3 has definitely come back.  If it passes Wii will that be enough for you?  Also how do you consider 3DS a comeback when it was never behind or selling that horribly yet PS3 isn't?

You made a comment about 3DS sales being bad because they can't outsell PS3 in PS3's worst region. That's a hilariously misleading comment considering you're putting a US region where it's sold 26,000,000+ consoles behind a region where it has sold 1/3 that amount, due to "marketshare". Regional marketshare is irrelevant when you're comparing raw sales numbers between two consoles, especially given such a large difference in sales between the US and Japan. It doesn't matter that in Japan the PS3 only trails the Wii. You're talking about a consoles sales in the US, where the PS3 does fine. The only reason you're adding a marketshare spin is because you were called out for making a stupid comment. I'm not gonna comment on this anymore, it started hilarious but your continued defense of it is boring me. You can't honestly believe you made some good point there. Fact of the matter is in 2012 the 3DS outsold the PS3 in the US. Also, fun fact: the US was actually the worst region for the 3DS and yet it still outsold the PS3 here :(

2 years into the PS3's life in 2008 it got outsold by the 360 by like 700k units worldwide. Not nearly enough to take it off the pace it had been since day one, to pass the 360. And you just said it yourself right there with the bolded. That is exactly what has happened. There is no comeback when the expected is exactly what is going on.