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shams said:
Lets not forget that Ninty is now "tweaking" shipments to exactly hit their forecast for the fiscal year. About 6 weeks left, 200k-300k a week - figures look spot on to me. Don't expect sales to be any greater than this until the new fiscal year (start April).

The 360 on the other hand... who knows. New model? Replacing broken units? Pulling hardware + replacing bits? Plain old bad sales?


Over the long term - if there are any conclusions to be drawn from this graph:®1=All&cons2=PS3®2=All&cons3=X360®3=All&start=39131&end=39495

...its that 360 & PS3 are basically tracking identically. Still waiting for this to change...

For 360 my theory is SKUitis. The Xbox has so many different trims and styles this year, but only 2 are wanted. Premium and Elite. I believe MS shipped an over supply of Arcade and the puke green halo Xbox and not enough Premiums and Elites during the Holiday. The premium and elite are sold out and MS is manufacturing more as fast as possible but  they also have alot of stock on shelves, just not the models that will sell.


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