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Train wreck said:
mike_intellivision said:
Carl2291 said:
happydolphin said:
Carl2291 said:
Whats really funny is how everyone can see the problem and everyone knows how to fix it...

Other than Nintendo.

Yup and according to these people the solution certainly isn't games or a price reduction, it's simply better graphics and 3rd party support.
That makes it really funny!

Games and 3rd party support are the same thing. The PS3 and 360 are getting games that Nintendo SHOULD be getting on Wii U. From rubbish like Aliens: Colonial Marines to GotY contenders like Tomb Raider.

The console doesnt have the games available to justify the pricetag. Its the PS3 all over again, on a smaller scale.

What worked for the PS3? Rapid cuts, continued 3rd party support and aiming at the loyal PS2 markets (Europe, S. America, Others). Nintendo need to get the console supported and they needed to target what made the Wii so popular - The expanded market.

Point here about how bad the console gaming market is -- and what people are missing.

Tomb Raider had disappointing sales of 3.6M. it essentially cost the S-E CEO his job.

If people need 5M sales for a AAA game to be profitable, what kind of hope is there for this industry?

I would bet on Nintendo more than the other two because Nintendo has shown for the last two genreations that it can produce enough big sellers to keep itself afloat.  


Mike from Morgantown

Overestimation and basing sales off review scores cost the CEO of SE his job.  I mean when tomb raider was at its peak it did not do those type numbers in that short of time.

Agreed. But the main point that you have to sell 5M of a game for it to be profitable stands.

And if you can't do that on an install base of 150M -- how are you going to do that with an install base of 0 (or at least certanily less than 5M for the holdiay season, if previous launches are an indication.)


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492