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I think a lot of people are overreacting in this thread. When any console maker is doing badly they get made fun of. Personally I think it's good that when a company gets arrogant it then gets taken down a couple of notches. It then forces them to come up with solutions and compete harder. Just look at Sony as the perfect example.

Sony launched a $600 dollar console which they expected people to get an extra job for if required to afford. Due to their hubris they were laid low until they finally were forced to become more consumer friendly and also made a massive investment into their 1st party studios and online network. All the while they maintained good 3rd party relations.

Even though I prefer Sony I like that there is competition as it benefits all gamers. We should have more solidarity as gamers and act less like tribals when it comes to the companies we like.

With regards to the guys on the panel some of their choice of words may have sounded anti Nintendo but in reality they are just pointing out the difficult position that Nintendo finds themselves in. I don't recall them saying anything which suggests that they want Nintendo to fail. It's as if constructive criticism automatically equates to people having an anti Nintendo agenda according to some people.