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TheLastStarFighter said:

You realize that your comment further emphasizes the similarity of PS3 and SNES, don't you?  SNES for several years sold slower than Genesis.  It was at the end of its life that it sold at a greater rate.  Sound familiar?

Also are you saying that SNES didn't start slow and end strong?  I'm cofused as to your point.

You are right but that doesn't make SNES the biggest turn around. The situation for the SNES was overall better. Be it marketshare drop of, from NES or  be it total market share at any given time or financial losses. 


You said:


"The PS3 is the second biggest comeback console. #1 is the SNES, and the stories are kinda similar for the two. The SNES launched last behind the Genesis and Turbographix 16, but it was more powerful and had much better 3rd party support."


First of every console launches last if it comes years after the competitors. The SNES came after TurboGrafx 16 and Genesis so it obviously launches last by default. 


But it quickly outsold TurboGrafx 16 and 4 years later it outsold Genesis (world wide). Its not a comeback its a steady gain of marketshare it was always doing fine. According to your link: "By 1994, SEGA had lost substantial ground to Nintendo in America."


Not from 1994 onwards. 


"The two had been fairly close going into 1992, with Nintendo making strong gains against SEGA, thanks in no small part to the fact that every Super NES came with a copy of the acclaimed Super Mario World. According to market data, SEGA had a 55-percent share. "


Sega had 55% marketshare in 1992. In 1990 they had  close to 100% SNES came in August 1991 on the market in the US. SNES was the underdog before it released because Sega sold well while SNES wasn't on the market:

 "going into 1992 with Nintendo making strong gains against Sega thanks in no small part to the fact that every Super NES came with a copy of the acclaimed Super Mario World"


So shortly after release going into the year 1992 Nintendo made strong gains due to SMW. Thats launch window and SNES already gained. When exactly was SNES ever in a position that needed a turnaround ? They came and where succesful from the start 


Sega Genesis came August 1989. SNES came August 1991 that is 2 years later. Turbo Grafx came even 1 year before the Genesis


Sega put up a fight in the USA. But Nintendo never really struggled they were at a disadvantage because they came 2 years later. But they were never struggeling like Sony did with the PS3.


And that numbers game they went from 3rd to 1st. Yes they had to begin as third but had no problem getting to 2nd and cought up mostly by 1994  they were already pretty much equal to Sega worldwide (not USA). And another 3 years later Nintendo was 60% ahead of Sega in total world wide sales. Just because they didn't outsold Segas 2 years lead at launch doesn't mean they ever were in need for a turnaround since they were always on right track.


The NES was dominated by the Genesis and the Turbografx 16 in its late years. Sega was the top dog and Turbografx did well in Japan. Later came the SNES and turned things around it fought an uphill battle and 6 years later it won. But it never ever struggled like PS3 did.


PS3 sold miserably everywhere the drop off to the PS2 was gigantic it was outsold by the PS2. NES never did that to SNES. It made Billions of losses and started to change the overall trend worldwide speaking. 


SNES was dealing with launching late but it constantly sold good and its marketshare went constantly up it never lost Nintendo money it made them money. It had a tough battle in the USA but PS3 had a tough battle everywhere and turned everything around. I remember people thinking Sony would pull out of the console buisness and/or discontinue PS3.


The situation for SNES was never so dire. But I am happy to listen to your reasoning why the PS3s turnaround fell short of SNES recovery from the grave. Maybe I am remembering things wrong.