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Nem said:
Its still overpriced if you ask me. I never understood why it always cost more than the 360.

Its not realy a comeback, its Microsoft stopped caring about gamers about 2 years ago and went for casuals. So, naturally that left Sony in a good position.

Blu-ray, man. It costs more. (And lets don't talk about other things like, WiFi, HDMI, etc., what the first Xbox never had.)

By the way, my college bought an HDTV (finally) and couldn't use HDMI, because he said his Xbox didn't have one. Of course I told him, that an Xbox so old, he is lucky it didn't went RROD long time ago. Buy the way, he went to buy a new Xbox, but eventually ended up with the PS3. He said, it's because of the Blu-ray.