kitler53 said:
Soleron said:
" Bellini believes Microsoft will generate $32 billion in cash flow from operations, with $17 billion of that pegged toward spending, buybacks and dividends. That leaves an additional $15 to return to shareholders." WTF. The investment market is sick, if all it can think about is how the rest of the cashflow can be used to boost stock price, instead of investing in future earnings by having competitive products.
investors invest for one reason only... to increase their own money. future earnings mean nothing if the money invested now isn't growing.
opportunity cost. look it up.
for better or (more likely) worse. every business is runs quarterly. fuck the future, they say... how do i make this quarter's numbers better?
The maximum return would be to have MS become Apple and dominate all consumer electronics, going up 3-4x in stock price. This could easily be done with the right strategy as they have the cash, presence, and knowledge of Apple's mistakes.
You're right, the investors are looking at returns within weeks, not years.