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Legend11 said:
MikeB said:
If the PS3 becomes dominant over the 360 platform, more developers will have to tap into Cell and Blu-Ray specific technical features to compete with 1st party PS3 exclusives. Almost all developers will lead their development on the PS3, which will result in better PS3 as well as better 360 games (cache friendly coding).

That makes no sense. Why would developers making multiplatform games make them with Blu-Ray in mind when the 360 and PC don't have it? Why would they focus on one platform that is different (Cell) when the other two platforms basically share a lot in common? Also why would they lead on the Cell which is by all accounts the slowest to develop on and keep the other two versions behind because of it? It seems to me that only games that started development on the PS3 and then were later on moved over to the 360 and/or PC would actually have started development on the PS3.

You can still add PS3 specific enhancements using the advantages of Blu-Ray disc, like adding higher quality textures, 7.1 quality audio (like DiRT) and additional content (like Oblivion). If your game is linear, you could span the 360 version over several DVDs.

Developing on the 360 is faster, but also yields far worse results, some of such results will yield better results for 360 ports as well, on the Cell devs are pushed to write cleaner code, the game code will run more efficiently on PC or 360 as well.


Example regarding DiRT (a multiplatform game):

"The PS3 is so fast - tens of GigaFLOPs on each of seven CPUs available to us - that high-order Ambisonics suits it very well. Most of the optimisation effort went into the trigonometry needed to go from game-style orthogonal vectors and matrices to the azimuth and elevation model now standard for Ambisonics. After that, the encoder and decoder are very fast, especially as they parallelise well, without pipeline bottlenecks like division and tight operand dependencies.

Overall Ambisonics complements other aspects of nextGen PS3 game audio, like good quality sample-rate-conversion - rather than the noisy LERPs still sadly common on PCs - plus modern psychoacoustically-modelled decompression, and phase-coherent 512 band filtering on each voice. There’s so much CPU power on PS3 that all this, and multiple reverbs, can run on a single SPU (Synergistic Processing Element, an eighth of the PS3’s Cell processor array) with time to spare.

There are six independent reverb units running in the PS3 version, versus two stereo ones on Xbox360. These are not just for reflections in tunnels or when you get close to trackside objects - they works beautifully for reflections from other vehicles too, and give exciting effects when the car goes out of control - the sort of emergent behaviour you look forward to getting when you combine several advanced systems in one game!"


Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales