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Max King of the Wild said:
LOL! I'm letting religion blind me yeah. Okay. And yes, embellished. Not fabricated. Someone wouldn't be crucified like that for nothing. The man did something and garnered followers. He obviously was saying something. Did he walk on water or feed 4000? I don't know. But what I do know is there was a man that people claimed to be the messiah because he said some stuff.

Seriously dude? Seriously?!

If you have to believe something and cannot accept the possibility of it being wrong, DONT JOIN A DEBATE ABOUT IT. You have NO PROOF that the crucifiction even happened! Also, Jesus was crucified with a theif and another poor bastard, meaning that it wasn't exactly a special event...

I never claimed that there never was a guy called Jesus! Keep up with the conversation please. I claimed that the Bible probably has not accurately recorded whatever this Jesus fellow actually said as it was written much later and from poor sources. Understand??

And yes, philosophers and historians alike are fully aware that Plato's use of Socrates may not be an accurate or even truthful representation of Socrates. So go figure what historians think about Mark, a guy who never met Jesus, worked in bits of the Odyessy, and oral accounts of events...