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hallelujah the wiiU is saved!!

nintendo's popularity waning as evidence by the sudden, dramatic, and historically unprecedented collapse in wii sales?  wii's number one, wii's number one!!

wiiU's sales in week 8 being lower than the ps3 or 360 has ever seen (including when only they weren't out in all regions).  who cares, it means nothing!!

wiiU's sales curve most closely shaped like the gamecube's with a tremendous launch that flatlines right after the holidays unlike every/any successful console?  irrelevant i tell you!!

game after game after game announced with no wiiU counterpart?    but wiiU has the best, system-selling exclusives like rayman 2D mario another mario!!

industry leaders that laugh at the wiiU with comedic timing at the mere mention of being supported?   pure speculation because the engines,.. they are scalable!!

facts in general?  fuck 'em!!


truckOsaurus found an old forum post and that proves nintendo has absolutely no problems, is guaranteed success, and all criticisms and critiques are instantly null and void!!!!




now, given the current climate in this thread, I was tempted to explain what’s my point with all of this right away (because believe it or not, there is one) but I’m going to give everyone the benefit of the doubt and wait and see if people get it.