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Zkuq said:
Weedlab said:
Zkuq said:
I don't have a wife and as far as I'm concerned, never will. Marriage is an outdated tradition.

I do, however, have a girlfriend. She is quite fond of the idea of getting raped, although I doubt she could actually enjoy it in a real situation because I doubt the rapist would be at all attractive.

Did you perform the act? I have a similar situation with my lady. I explained why it would be a bad idea for her and eventually talked her out of it. There's no foreplay in rape, and I like my water works to run naturally, so applying Vaseline is not an option. Immediately she understood and renounced the idea. We did play Batman and Robin instead, however. :/ Her idea too ...


As far as I'm concerned, I can't perform the act. If it's me, she's willing and if not, there's a reason for that and in such case, I don't think raping her would do any good. As for anyone else doing it, in her fantasies the rapist has always been somewhat attractive and I don't really think that would be the case in real life. And then there's the no foreplay thing which ought to make things even worse. What's funny, though, is that when I asked her how she'd like if she was raped in the butt instead and explained to her that in such a situation, there would be no preparations, she still seemed curious/slightly positive about it. I'm sure I'll learn more about her thoughts about the whole thing in the future, we haven't been together for very long yet. And while it's not quite rape, she enjoys rough sex, even to an extent where I can... pretty much just use her, so in a sense it's not that far from a rape. (Of course it's still far but hey, it's closer than 'normal' sex.)

Interesting ... seems like your situation is not unlike mine. She mentioned a few things in your post as well, mostly out of curiosity. I don’t get why it has to be almost like a simulation. Rough or aggressive I don’t mind, but something just short of a sim is too much, in my opinion. That’s what I get for dating a younger woman, I suppose.



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