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First of all, sorry if my english is bad. Second, you need a diagnosis which can be done by a psychiatrist or a psychologist. They are not the same: a psychiatrist is basically a medic which deals with mental disorders while a psychologist is not a medic but an expert in the study of the mind, however both are qualified to perform a diagnosis. Usually a psychiatrist will give you meds and a psychologist will give you therapy: both or just one of the two may be needed depended on the diagnosis.

If you want some help right now I suggest you to look for help in forums about social anxiety because people in this forum are experts in videogames and may have not experience in this kind of stuff.

Finally I suggest you to read carefully this two articles in the wikipedia, which can help you to get more information, the first one is about OCD and the second one about tourette, Based on the info you provide I think you may have one of those or the two (I was diagnosed the two on my childhood):

As a personal advice, don't pay attention to people who belittles your actual condition, says it's normal or propose illegal drugs or alternative medicine. Look for profesional advice!. I know this kind of stuff can cause a lot of suffering from my personal experience.


I know... my english sucks